divendres, 26 de juny del 2009

The White Tiger: A brilliant novel

The White Tiger: A brilliant novel

The dreams of the rich, and the dreams of the poor -
they never overlap, do they?

See, the poor dream all their lives of getting enough to eat
and looking like the rich.
And what do the rich dream of?

Losing weight and looking like the poor.

3 comentaris:

Anacrònic ha dit...

And at the end of night to sleep somewhere wet and warm.

Butaca 4 ha dit...

Don't they dream of having a whiter skin? I've heard this is quite common in India, they have cosmetics to get this effect.

Lord Unique ha dit...

Yes, i've heard that too Butaca 4. Another example of opposition of dreams.

Despreocupados, irónicos, violentos -así nos quiere la sabiduría: es una mujer, ama siempre únicamente a un guerrero... (F. Nietzsche)